Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Funny how?

If you've ever watched Goodfellas, then you know how this all goes down.

I tend to spend some of my time on the internet laughing at things. I'll be the first to tell you that I am easily amused, but that doesn't change the fact that I find things funny. I've decided to share some of my amusement with you today.


Le'gogh by nismo4banger

Via Clara Pond Google +

I could do this all day, like I said I'm easily amused!
I would like to ask you to keep Roland Yeomans in your thoughts and prayers. He underwent cancer surgery on 2/19/14.
He is a great author and friend.
His books can be found at
His blog at
Writing In The Crosshairs


  1. The message exchange was funny. So was the Jenga one.
    Appreciate that you mentioned Roland. Hope we hear from him soon and that the surgery went well. Keep praying for him.

  2. There are so many funny websites out there, but the majority have adult themed humor that I won't put on my blog. If my kids can't read it then I won't post it.
    I hope we hear from Roland the first chance he gets.

  3. I'm not sure which is more hilarious: Jenga or Green Lantern! LOL I'll just say both

  4. Yes, but he would be really handy if you ran out of the color green. Take that, Smartyman.

  5. In the LEGO Movie Lantern has a man crush on Sups.

  6. Well, then he could confuse Superman's foes with a lot of fake kryptonite!

  7. I can't wait to see if 300 RISE OF AN EMPIRE will have tones of uber cool legendary lines :) Will they dine in hell again, will the battle under the shade of arrows? :)

  8. Those were funny. I guess I'm easily amused, too. (I stopped by Roland's page. I hope his surgery goes well!)

  9. I like the DOCTOR POO one. Swelling is making it hard to see clearly. The pain is making it hard to think clearly. But I had to visit and say THANKS for being my friend. I can no longer say: "NO SKIN OFF MY NOSE!" I forced myself to write a post to thank my friends and to let all of you know of a funny thing that happened to me under the scalpe -- I was conscious the whole time! Brrr.

  10. I guess great minds mean think alike!

  11. Continued health to you!
    I will jump over there to see your post!

  12. I've been known to mistake a port-a-potty for a tardis once or twice. I'm glad to see that someone else has made the connection. Why is captain america out of uniform? That seems weird in that comic.

  13. I noticed it also. It would have been better if they both had their boy scouts uniforms on.

  14. Sending my best to Roland!!

    I about spit out my morning drink at the Dr Poo Turdis. Too funny!!

  15. Everytime I see a blue porta potty, is it bigger on the inside?

  16. Haha! I have a distinct feeling I'll be doing the same!

  17. Thanks. My kids bathroom never has toilet paper, and it is the guest bath!
    I think they live by that motto.

  18. Thanks. Needed those. Especially love the Turdis, of course. Goodfelllas has the distinction of being the first movie I ever watched on my first DVD player. Trivia! I think you and I have the same sense of humor, i.e the best kind ;-)

    @ Life
    is Good

    to Z Team @ Blogging
    From A to Z April Challenge 2014

  19. A kindred spirit! I have no idea what my first DVD was, but my first CD was The Eagles Hotel California!

  20. I got the biggest laugh from the little note "I don't want to risk it." Clever. I appreciate your humor-heart combination, David. It's the greatest duo of all. Thank you.


  21. that is why I love me both Supes and Leonidas!
